Why do we take wedding photos?

Must shoot the reason of wedding gauze photo (a)! Wedding photo is two people get married in the process of the most sense of ritual, witness sense link1. Wedding photos are a witness that lovers upgrade to husband and wife, which means the beginning of a good marriage and the realization of the belief of "holding your hand and aging toge...

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The wedding dress

Wedding dress is the wedding ceremony and wedding banquet when the bride wear clothes, wedding dress can refer to the single body to wear accessories, can also include the head veil, holding flower part. The color and style of wedding dress depend on various factors, including culture, religion and fashion. Wedding dress from the West, di...

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Wedding dress issue

Section 1 cutting out general operating standardsOne, find the right paperVersion, to cut the clothing style number and version to be on;Two, row wheat rack:01, according to the production order of the cutting machine, measure the actual width of the cloth, minus half an inch on each side, if there is a dead mark on the edge of the cloth ...

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