How should the wedding dress be kept?

When buying, you can first understand the wedding dress is what material, attached small beads, small flash what to pay attention to, under normal circumstances, the owner will know all words, endless.

Wash the dress, wet cleaning is the key, because of the small decorations on the wedding dress, such as beaded trimming, is can't withstand the erosion of dry cleaning chemicals, best method is to put the wedding dress in the mixed with mild, neutral cleaner water, soak for a while, it can wash off like red wine, banquet or lard leave stains, more bubble for a while, even invisible stains such as sweat, wine stains can be removed.

After the wedding dress is washed and dried out, it can be collected. It should be stored in a cool and dry place, such as the closet or even under the bed. Remember, don't hang up the wedding dress, because as time goes by, some of the weight of the wedding dress will produce draping force, stretching and even tearing the skirt.

There are two small problems can not mention: one is the collection of wedding dress must wash hands, do not stick cosmetics, otherwise a long time, the wedding will have a small yellow spot; Still have, the big skirt hoop inside wedding dress can twist rise collect, but every year when turn bask in clothings, want to restore skirt hoop original state, lest it loses elasticity.

No matter what the texture of a wedding dress is, it should be carefully stored after being professionally washed. In particular, pure cotton texture of wedding dress, because the cotton fiber is more likely to be damaged, so in the washing time, especially attention should be paid to, do not use too stimulating products.

If you plan to hang your wedding dress, no matter how long it lasts, wrap the hanger in primary-color cotton wadding, which can be found at fabric stores or tailors. Then hang the wedding dress in a breathable cotton canvas dress bag.

Cotton wedding dresses are durable and easy to maintain compared to other "premium" wedding dresses. Unlike some fragile fabrics, which give way over time, cotton fibers are breathable -- even when sealed -- and retain their original color and pattern over the years. There are storage tricks to be learned though: Typically, a wedding dress should be folded, lined with acid-free material, a bodice and sleeves, and stored in a large box on acid-free board. Sometimes there are gaps in the box to allow air to circulate. Cotton texture of wedding dress should pay more attention to this point, too ventilated, easy to let the oxygen in the air destroy cotton fiber, and completely airtight can not ensure that it will not be placed for a long time and moldy. So it is very important to choose the right storage tool.

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