Why do we take wedding photos?

Must shoot the reason of wedding gauze photo (a)! Wedding photo is two people get married in the process of the most sense of ritual, witness sense link

1. Wedding photos are a witness that lovers upgrade to husband and wife, which means the beginning of a good marriage and the realization of the belief of "holding your hand and aging together with you".

Is to look at the wedding photos with their lover, recall those lost years and spent time together, this is a romantic embodiment.

3. Taking wedding photos is not only to commemorate the couple and show them to friends, but more importantly, when it is hung at home, it makes the atmosphere become more warm and happy, and virtually increases the good luck of marriage. If the marriage can enter silver marriage, golden marriage, that is the most meaningful "wedding dress according to"! A woman is the most beautiful in a wedding dress. Wedding for most people is once in a lifetime, and they hope to grow old together with their chosen other half and be happy.

Must take the reason of wedding dress photo (two)! Life itself may not have any meaning. The meaning is what we give to each day. Come to this world, is always to give life to leave some good thoughts. To their yearning for the distance, love their love, life is so short, marriage is probably the most long life adhere to, take their favorite wedding photos, this is how lucky! The people who find true love in this world are so rare. It is not easy to meet, can not allow people to be proud? Is to take beautiful wedding photos, their appreciation at the same time to show the circle of friends, square show happiness.

Must shoot the reason of wedding gauze photo (three)! Photographs are the only evidence of time. Since the invention of the camera, photos have been synonymous with memories. Youth is so short, so much experience, love is so beautiful, time is so long. Wait until the old, some memories may be vivid, but eventually will be blurred. When you are young, you should try to record the beautiful things. When you are old, seeing a few photos representing "us" seems to pull you back to the past, to the first moment of your life. We must take wedding photos is to record the youth face and sweet love in the photographer's lens, for a lifetime of memory worthy of collection! At that time, we had stars in our eyes. When the old to 80 years old, all white hair, also can't walk, and his wife nest on the sofa looking at the wedding photos, review the beautiful.

Must take the reason of wedding dress photo (four)! In most of our minds, getting married is not just a matter of going to the civil affairs bureau and paying $15 for two red books. Marriage this life event, in addition to the legal recognition, but also need to hold a wedding, dinner relatives and friends to prove these forms. The meaning of the wedding photo is one of the ceremonies to prove that two people are married. Love is not the same as marriage. Most of the couples who go to the photography studio in the early stages of love take pictures of the couple. Wedding photos are usually taken when the two people decide that they are suitable for each other to walk for a lifetime. Well, taking wedding photos is an important step in girls' understanding of "getting married". Why else would Huang Xiaoming go to great lengths to give Baby such a romantic and beautiful wedding!

Must take the reason of wedding dress photo (five)! Women for the people who are pleased with themselves. Since ancient times have this truth, if don't like you, just don't meet you before it is to wash hair and turn over a variety of wardrobe try clothes! For women, taking photos is out of the nature of beauty, is a beautiful experience, this point, meet a good makeup team and photography team will be more obvious. Not every girl's guy is a young man who knows how to do SLR and how to make portraits. Experience tells us that when we travel with a man, we are always annoyed by his camera skills: either the legs are chunky, the hands are shaky, or I always catch those ugly, tearful moments on my face. Oh, I'm getting married, and I'm not allowed to be pretty! Please give a chance, let the girl in the photographer's lens to find more confidence! Freeze the gentleness of the moment. After all, she was in her best years when she married you. The best photos should be taken during the best times. From a guy's point of view, too, is there anything more handsome or presentable than a wedding photo shoot? You'd better show me some photos that you can take.

Must shoot the reason of wedding gauze photo (six)! The process of taking wedding photos itself is a kind of interaction of love, adding a good memory for each other. Selfies always leave two big heads, and taking pictures with each other doesn't get us in the same picture at the same time. Hand in hand, go to Le Ke wedding photography studio, take pictures all day, satisfy my long desire to take pictures. Follow the photographer's instructions, strike your best poses, and smile sincerely for the camera. At the end of the day, it's sure to heat up again. Through the lens of the photographer, find their own beauty, also find the beauty of each other. More importantly, discover the sincerity and love for each other.

Must shoot the reason of wedding gauze photo (seven)! There is a maiden in every woman's heart. I think every woman is like wedding dress, every woman's dream has a beautiful wedding dress, have a group of romantic personality wedding photos, have a grand and warm wedding. Take girls to take wedding photos, which can completely meet a girl's girl heart. You know, this is one of the most important dreams of every girl from childhood to adulthood.

Willing to take wedding photos with you, is ready to wait for a lifetime with you each other. I hope you can find the person who took the wedding photo with you

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