What is the meaning of white wedding dress

The white gauze gown worn by the bride today was originally ceremonial for Catholics. Because some ancient European countries are theocracy of the state, people must get married to the church to accept the priest or priest's prayer and blessing, so that can be considered a formal legal marriage, so the bride put on a white ceremonial dress to God to show sincerity and purity. Before the 19th century in the West, there was no uniform color specification for the bride dress worn by the girls when they got married. It was not until 1820 that white gradually became the dress color widely used on the wedding. This is because Britain's Queen Victoria wore a white and elegant wedding dress at her wedding. From now on, white wedding dress becomes a kind of formal wedding dress, nowadays, some people do not understand the origin of wedding dress, oneself be creative, make the bride's wedding dress pink or light blue color, in order to show gorgeous. In fact, according to western custom, only remarried women, wedding gauze just can use pink or the color such as lake blue, in order to show with first marriage distinction.
The bouquet originated in the ancient Western civilization. According to the Western concept, the bouquet is the guardian messenger of the wedding, protecting the people at the wedding from bad luck and disease. After hundreds of years of custom evolution, bouquet in today's wedding is a happy messenger, unmarried women in the wedding ceremony to catch the bride threw bouquet, will find their own happy partner, become the next happy bride.

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