What is the meaning of wedding dress?

1. A white wedding dress symbolizes purity and loyalty. In modern times, a white wedding dress also means purity.

In the West, white is believed to be associated with virginity. The ancient Roman bride wore a white wedding dress and a bright orange veil, symbolizing the flame of passion. In the Catholic tradition of the West, white is associated with joy; In other regions, white indicates a variety of access ceremonies and meanings during their weddings and funerals.

3, in ancient Rome, white on behalf of the celebration, is also a symbol of wealth, and in the Queen of Doria, white is only able to wear aristocrats.

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Here are some tips for saving your wedding dress:

1, white wedding dress storage time is easy to yellow, so wet washing is the key, because the small decoration on the wedding dress can not withstand the chemical erosion in dry cleaning. Put the wedding dress into a mix of mild, neutral detergent in the water to soak, wash; Can not wash with washing machine and dehydration, also can not be exposed in the hot sun, after the explosion of the wedding dress will become brittle, skirt, beads, decorative flowers easy to fall off.

2. After drying, it should be stored in a cool and dry place for collection, but do not hang up the wedding dress, because the draping force produced by the wedding dress will stretch and even tear the skirt.

3, before collecting the wedding dress must wash your hands, do not stick cosmetics, otherwise a long time on the wedding dress will have small yellow spots.

4, after use, it is best to use ultraviolet light plus ozone for disinfection.

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