How to turn wedding photography into a story

I used to be like, "What in the world are wedding pictures for?" I asked a lot of experienced wedding photographers over the years and couldn't get a positive answer until one day, when I was discussing the subject with a friend who wasn't in the business (actually I was spitting), the friend casually said, "Maybe to share their story." I think it's a good direction to go, and instead of just messing around in a wedding dress aimlessly, it's better to actually say something. Since then, "memory" has become an important subject in my wedding photos, and I classify this kind of work as "portrait" in terms of photography technique.
Share the stories. Share the stories
For the newlyweds, even if the shooting is to share their own stories, the day of shooting wedding photos is very unforgettable, is also a part of the story, so I like to record some pictures before and after, in addition to increase the story of the album, but also to give the newlyweds a warm up, accustomed to activities in front of the camera.
It often happens that the groom is surprised by his bride's outfit, often resulting in funny images.
Stories come from memories. Memories cannot be tampered with
Each couple has its own story, perhaps the teahouse where they met, the street they often hang out in, the meadow where they watched the sunset, or even the place where they kissed for the first time. Taking them back to these sacred places in wedding dresses and gowns represents the beginning of a new chapter in their story. "To make the place look like it was!" Because it's part of their memory. There's not going to be a big backlight out of thin air, there's not going to be a "detection light" at a 45 degree Angle, all we want is the smell of memories, so I'm going to use all the light sources on the scene. Without the burden of extra lights, I can also take more flexible and quick shots, and the couple has less invisible pressure on the large equipment, so I rarely use flash or reflector for these wedding photos.
Feelings will radiate in the details
I like to make a close-up of some part of the characters' movements, which can send out a simple message. The footsteps of the companions and the clasped hands are the proof of love. I like to record a new pair of shoes, a precious engagement muon, a tiara design the groom found especially for his bride. Close-up photos can also add to the power of the story.
A sense of abstraction formed by memory
I'm not taking advertising photos or testing photos of equipment. How sharp the camera is or how three-dimensional the texture on the clothes is not what the newlyweds care about. What the newlyweds care about is how they feel at the moment. "Memory" is never clear sharp, should be deeply come with some abstract, so I never note my photo appear the phenomenon of "loose yu Meng", on the contrary, I like the out of focus, even the camera after the swing, and colour is I very the attention of project, in my set there is no "best tone" or "white balance" accurately, the atmosphere is the most important. Many of my "conservative" colleagues expressed reservations about this approach, but most of the "yes" votes came from clients and friends who were not familiar with photography.
A smile from the heart
The story develops into a new chapter of marriage, is certainly a beautiful and happy story, "smile" is the best way to tell the story. But said true, day wedding photo on everybody's body burden is not small, in ten hours to go to three sites, in both cold and hot weather, dress and dress this thing also can't be a comfortable clothing, if also require new place some acrobatic moves and model type "CHOK sample", is believed to have is inhuman behavior. So I would advise the couple to relax, to talk, to make fun of each other a little bit, and even to wear casual clothes in one of the episodes to be themselves, so that they can capture the wonderful scenes. We are not professional models, we need a "mood" and a "reason" to laugh.

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