How to judge the stand or fall of wedding gauze? (a)

Wedding dress and ordinary clothes, there are also high and low grades of good or bad, ordinary wedding dress may achieve 90% of the functions and effects required by a wedding dress, but the other 10% really need extreme technology and fabric and accumulated years of experience to complete, the difficulty is no less than 90% before. Wedding is the most important detail, so, how to be a perfect wedding dress, how to choose a good quality wedding dress.

1, touch feeling: a good wedding dress, fabric is certainly very different from ordinary wedding dress, a good wedding dress feel will be very comfortable, soft and hard moderate, with a high amount of cotton wedding dress will feel acerbate, and low quality chemical fiber fabric, will be very stiff and even have a tingling feeling. Better thick satin, burnish is downy, not dazzling, feel thick, give a person the feeling with high and easy, this kind of satin always gets the love of wedding dress designer. And some of the poorer satin is very soft, some through, wear the body uncomfortable, light.

2, look at the details (wedding custom V Xin: Winter8912) : choose the wedding dress is mainly to observe the details, good wedding car sew even, no thread, diamond or sequins clean and bright, and poor wedding car sew uneven, diamond and other accessories will hair stain, not bright enough. Good wedding lace is made of cotton, while inferior wedding lace is often made of synthetic fibers.

3, look inside: choose the wedding dress not only to see the appearance, but also need to see the inside of the wedding dress. Turn over the wedding dress, fish bone car line symmetrical and uniform layout, turn light inward, upper and lower body joints neat without hair stubble, are a good wedding dress essential conditions. Good wedding dress, chest paste is built-in, this practice is time-consuming and labor, but the effect is very good, although the external chest paste can save a part of labor, but from comfort and upper body effect are not as good as the built-in chest paste.

4, test version type: wedding dress does not need to try on the upper body, you know the version is good or bad, observe the upper and lower body and waist line, the proportion is uniform, the line is smooth, you can judge the publishing type is good or bad. A good wedding dress has comfortable visual proportions, while a poor wedding dress has asymmetrical visual proportions.

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