How to choose wedding dress?

1, thin tall: you can choose the popular style, the silhouette of the wedding dress can be tight waist and let the skirt open round; It can also be designed to accentuate a narrow waist with wavy hem at the hem of the skirt. The sleeve can use bubble - bubble sleeve, shawl sleeve to wait, such integral effect appears more balanced. 2, thin short people: you can choose thin silk yarn, silk wool fabric as material, the silhouette of the wedding dress with a long waist shape is better, the skirt parts began to grow up to form a trumpet shape, the front and back of the upper body clothes to create a weight of impression. 3, short, plump when choosing wedding dress should highlight the feeling of the longitudinal, and taboo to use transverse modelling, the posture is enchanting, arms round, was lower than those of exercise in the chest, the design of the whole line is concise and agile, and must avoid excessive waveform, exaggerated part shape, such as large hubble-bubble sleeve is not appropriate. In select material respect, feel the fabric that has metal feeling shows a few cleanly. 4, plump tall: the design focus of this figure can be placed in a certain part, or the use of large bubble sleeves, or low open collar and decorated with large ornaments. Because the figure is more plump, the person appears more graceful, you can choose the wedding dress of soft and soft wavy edge, with wide ribbon to bundle tight waist. Avoid is used to have the light color of expansion feeling to avoid to make the figure too tall and too conspicuous. 5, the choice of head yarn: head yarn is generally long, medium and short; Single layer, multi-layer; The difference between wide and narrow. For example, a round face is more suitable for the use of a wide and long to a few centimeters below the shoulder. Additional, match appropriately with head flower or hair crown also can have the effect that apply colours to a drawing atmosphere. Flowers are indispensable in the wedding, it not only adds to the festive atmosphere, more foil the bride's charming and moving. Every kind of flower is having respective meaning, of course also cannot ignore the shape of bouquet, size and dress, of figure are suitable

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